Parkside Borough



2025-2026 New Student Registration is Open!

2025-2026 New Student Registration is Open!

Do you have a younger child at home who will be 5 on or before September 1, 2025? It’s time to register for kindergarten!

 Early registration helps PDSD plan for the new school year, ensuring a smooth transition and the best experience for our incoming students. If you have a future kindergartener, we encourage you to register as soon as possible! Learn more at


View the March 2025 Council Meeting


Checkout the Fourth Quarter edition of your favorite neighborhood newsletter. Enjoy!

View the February 2025 Council Meeting


There will be no recycling pick-up on these dates

Wednesday, January 1st - No Recycling Pick-up.

Wednesday, January 22nd - No Recycling Pick-up

Wednesday, May 28th - No Recycling Pick-up

Wednesday, July 2nd - No Recycling Pick-up

Wednesday, September 3rd - No Recycling Pick-up

Wednesday, November 26th - No Recycling Pick-up

Wednesday, December 24th - No Recycling Pick-up

Wednesday, December 31st - No Recycling Pick-up

Welcome to our wonderful website. Please explore the various sections for news, updates, ordinances, forms, calendar, events and so much more.  Our police department also has a new website for our residents to review. Please let others know about our websites!  A big shout out to our Webmaster, Theo McCleary, for all his hard work on these sites.

Our Council members are looking forward to a very productive year and hearing concerns, suggestions, or just a friendly "hello" from our residents.  Please feel free to attend our meetings and meet your Council members.

Thank you,   
        Shirley Purcival 
        President of Council 

Community Day 2024


Checkout the First Quarter edition of your favorite neighborhood newsletter. Enjoy!

Unveiling Parkside Police Department's New Website


Your favorite newsletter The Parksider is now also a blog. Stay inform with articles in real time. No longer have to wait for the newsletter for community news and events. Check it out!

Financial Reports Are Now Available For The Public

Monthly Borough Council meetings are now being livestreamed on our YouTube channel. If you are unable to attend in person you can watch live online. If you are unable to watch live, the video will be available immediately following the meeting on our YouTube channel.

Completed RTK Requests Are Now Available For The Public

Sign Up For Email Notifications From The Borough


If you previously signed up prior to February 2022 and would like to continue to receive email notification, please sign up again.

You’ll have the option to choose to receive emergency notifications only or both emergency and general notifications.

Every Week is Recycling Week!

Council voted last year for B&L Disposal to continue collecting our trash and recycling. The cost was the same for them to collect every week rather than twice a month, so you should put your recycling out every Tuesday night for pick-up Wednesday morning.