Parkside Council
Shirley Purcival, Council President
My goals for the remainder of my term is to male sure that the council is financially prudent with the taxpayer’s money's, transparent and non-partisan. In the last, almost 23 years, I have been involved in many wonderful projects and improvements in our Borough. Such as the new school, the new Borough building, the Woodlot improvements, the Wes Coale Memorial, the revitalization of Edgemont Avenue and many other projects.
Dominic (Nick) Capobianco, Council Vice President
Currently serving as Vice President of Borough Council for 2024. Graduated from Delaware Community College in 2015 with a major in Paralegal. Served on Parkside Borough Council from 2014 to 2020, holding the position of Vice President for two of those years. Code Enforcement Officer, Volunteer Fire Fighter and Trustee of Parkside Fire Company. As the Code Enforcement Officer, one of the tools used by the Borough of Parkside is to support the health, safety, and well-being of the Borough's most valuable interests: our residents. When issues arise in the Borough, I'm always mindful of the circumstances and consider whether the owner is experiencing financial hardship, sickness, or disability that may affect their ability to comply. This is not an easy job. There is always a target on my back; however, it is well worth it when the Borough is well maintained. When I go boating to fish and crab at the shore, the first song that is played in my car is "It's A Beautiful Morning" by The Rascals.
Doug Bull, Councilman
Michael Costigan, Councilman
Michael Costigan has served on borough council since January 2022. He chairs the Recycling/MS4 and Jr. Council Members committees. Michael is a 7th grade social studies teacher at Tilden Middle School, in the School District of Philadelphia and is a proud graduate of Sun Valley High School and Arcadia University. Michael is an active volunteer at Our Lady of Charity church in Brookhaven, serving as a lector, a Knight of Columbus, and maintenance staff. He is also a member of Delaware County's Heritage Commission.
Sarah Haynes, Councilwoman
, Councilman
Michelle Skrobak, Councilwoman
Kim Roman, Mayor