Kids Say the Darndest Things: March 2022 Edition

By Michael Costigan

I asked my Tilden Middle School 7th grade social studies students some questions and this is what they said:


What is politics?

“Politics involves stuff like the government and presidents. There’s democratics and I forgot the other one.”

“Politics is about the social environment in countries and the whole conversation.”

“Politics is people who run the government and, like, yeah.”


What do you think about politics?

“I hate it.”

“It’s trash.”

“They can say something but it don’t actually come true. They give fake news.”

“They give off the wrong impression. Both sides give bad impressions of each other.”

“The government treats people unfairly.”

“I don’t like the government. They don’t do things right.”


If you were president, what would you do?

“Feed the poor.”

“Cut all the tax.”

“I would make an alliance with Russia, so if we go to war they can help.”

“Get better education for kids.”

“Make shelters for homeless people.”

“I would get our jobs back. All the jobs we gave to China.”

“Focus on homeless people first. Work with adults so they can build their life up, but if they ruin their own lives it's their fault.” 

“I would eat all the food in the world.”

“Get rid of racism.”

“Make more trash days.”

“Get more recycling cans.”

“Kill people with kindness.”

“Get more parking spots, because my aunt really needs one.”



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