Streetlight Audits

This is Alex, at the corner of Beechwood and Crozer street here in Parkside.  Alex works for a company called Evari GIS and this week he is conducting a lighting audit of all 113 streetlights in Parkside Borough.  

Apart of the audit, Alex will be measuring the height of the pole, the height of the light, noting the wattage of the light, the orientation, and collecting other data.   Alex takes about 15 pictures per streetlight.  When completed, this data will be analyzed to prepare a custom detailed LED streetlight plan for the Borough of Parkside.  

Alex completes lighting audits all over the Philadelphia region but, he is a local guy.   He lives in Aston and graduated from Sun Valley High School in 2014. 


Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie


June Good Neighbor Award: Eleathea Ford